Tenets of Care

We Are Nature

My work is rooted in reconnecting from where we came.
I believe in using the Qi provided by nature and the cosmos 
to feel & heal our own unique path to optimal wellness.
This starts by reclaiming your own energy and learning how to use it.

Pools of Light

Hanes Healing helps you to access your inner light by operating
as a vector of healing toward an entirely elevated state of being.  
Shadow work, with fierce guidance and support, is a part of this journey. 
You will always leave feeling safe, revived, calm, connected, grounded, and whole.
You will be cared for, and learn to care for yourself, in ways you have never known.

A Tapestry of Health

Hanes Healing is more than just a triage of the soul.
It is the golden thread from which you will learn to weave the tapestry of your best life.

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You, Me & Energy ︎
You are a unique tapestry woven from single threads that make up the entirety of your life: who you are on every level of being. Thriving begins when every journey you have ever taken & are currently on are considered as you live & heal in the now.  Energy is the spun irridescent cosmic gold that we will work with to facilitate that healing. Together we will begin this journey so you may thrive with abundance and live the profoundly wonderful life you deserve.

I offer various in person and remote sessions. They are described below- more details can be found on my booking sites.
If you have any further questions please reach out directly to me at hanes@haneshealing.com.
You can always request information on other types of services not listed. I am always happy to assist in any way I can. Scheduling & payment are done through this link.

Golden Tapestry Session  

Each one-hour session with Hanes includes a fully bespoke tapestry of healing arts, extensively designed & curated for your personal needs, as we each traverse a unique journey of wellness. Each level of your being from soul, etheric, higher self to somatic are holistically nurtured and attended to.

My unified healing technique experienced in each session is created from my lifetime of experience with the combination of a multitude of modalities such as medical intuitive body scanning, reiki, quantum DNA restructuring and recoding, divination, akashic record clearing, CEW, and arcane gnostic practices. Together we will weave a new tapestry to help address your needs, trauma and specific requests.

Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.
-Carl Jung

Tantric Doula of the Divine Masculine & Esoteric Coaching

For those willing to walk through the door, deep healing is possible. Just as a pheonix, we will rise from the ashes of the men we once were and expand our broad wings into flight as the apollonian men we are meant to be.
I designed this coaching and healing program to provide specialized healing, guidance, nurturing, & direction to enlightened men who are seeking to expand their sense of spirituality while fostering a stronger connection between their bodies, their sexuality, and the universe. 

The benefits of this coaching program are tremendous for men from all different walks of life looking for stronger sexual connections & deeper intimacy. Tantric practices, meditation techniques, & various other at-home exercises are an essential part of this program. Lifestyle, nutrition, and supplement recommendations are essential components of each personalized session, as well. Frank conversations involving sex, sexuality, sexual practices, the human body, and sexual performance are to be expected. That which we face can be changed!